Top 10 most asked Questions & their Answers

1. It seems expensive:

  • it is a premium blend with exotic fruits from around the world. If you were to replicate the blend with the individual ingredients it would be more expensive.
  • What if I could show you how to drink it for free?
  • It costs the same as a daily visit to Starbucks or Jamba Juice
  • Many gain it back in quality hours via better sleep and increased energy & mood
  • If you enter the business, your tax write-offs may more than pay for it
2. Why MLM?

  • Fastest Commercial Acceptance: the first Acai company was Sambazon sold through traditional channels and is only a $12 million company. All of the decent Acai-based MLM's have far surpassed that number
  • Cheapest Distribution method: Sambazon spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising and distribution. MLM's spend none.
  • MLM lets regular people create wealth for ourselves and others
3. I saw another Acai product

  • Sambazon, Zola (1-fruit drinks are not as healthy as multi-fruit drinks, and watch out for caffeine and sugar even when they are "natural"). Drink these two only for a healthier alternative to Red Bull)
  • I saw one in Costco (again, sugar & caffeine usually included)
  • Odwalla is roughly $4 for unknown quality and lacking most of the other “super fruits”
  • AcaiPlus (are competitors spiking their blends with synthetic supplements and don't have high-grade Acai? Don't just trust their numbers, their charts or the marketing speak - everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, and the latecomers are usually the cheap knock offs)
  • Any Acai only product - remember, a wide-spectrum of colored fruits is best for overall health, so unless you're eating at least 5 high-quality fruit servings a day, drinking multi-fruit juice is a great alternative.
4. How do I place an order & how does auto-shipment work?

  • Visit your company's main site - and find teh Distributor log-in area. You'll need your ID# and your password. If you don't know it, ask your sponsor. The sites are self-explanatory once there
5. How do I enroll my first people?
  • First, choose the Left or Right leg (and look for “Preferences” on your back office site to pre-select "left, "right" or lesser leg)
  • Give them your ID# and have them click on “Enroll”
  • Or take down their credit card & SS#, shipping/billing address and enter them at your site
6. Who do I approach (drinkers vs. business builders) & what do I say (intro lines)?

  • Approach both. "Introduce" only, do not provide more than 2 minutes of information. The more you say & do, the more they assume they will have to know and do before telling their friends about it
  • Send them directly to online info sources like and
  • Read “The System” and/or “The 45 Second Presentation” it explains the above technique
  • Use the "Top 10 Intro & Closing Lines" on this web site, and/or visit for more intro lines and techniques & read Top 10 Intro & Closing Lines
  • "placing" bottles - ie, giving a free one to prospects - is one of the most expensive technigues, but it's also one of the fastest and most effective... give it as a gift, but open it up for them, explain how much and how often to drink it, then follow up 2 to 4 times that same week... this gives them a "juice experience" - and the juice is the best salesperson of them all :)
7. Can pregnant women or children take Glucosamine?

  • First, anyone can drink an MLM fruit juice if they can drink orange juice of it they can eat fruit.
  • However, when the juice contains an additive like Glucosamine, pregnant or nursing women and children should avoid it and stick with the fruit-only blends.
8. What will I feel & when will I feel it?

  • If you don’t eat fruit on a regular basis, you are more likely to feel healthier in numerous areas in a shorter period of time. However, a 3 month trial is recommended for all. Some have reported results within days, others notice gradual changes over time.
  • The most common testimonials are of better sleep and increased energy
  • Pain relief from long term problem areas can be common
  • Antioxidants from fruit play an important role in long term health. You can’t know if it will help with prevention of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, etc, but fruit is healthy long term. Study after study proves a high consumption of fruit is key to preventing these chronic diseases
  • A nutrient-dense fruit juice is "food", not a medicine or supplement and any and all testimonials are individual anecdotes not to be relied on. Try it and see for yourself
9. Are there any brochures/literature/business cards I should buy, and where do I buy them?

  • Only buy approved brochures from sources your company recommends. Do NOT mess with unapproved products no matter how good you think they are.
  • With all of the free online resources, brochures aren’t required for success, but they are helpful - especially as a hand out when you first give away a bottle.
10. I’m worried about telling people in my office since I’m hoping to one day soon quit my job?

  • Tell them only about the juice, let them discover the business later
  • Keep a bottle for tastings in the office refrigerator


Unknown said...

you've got some nerve making unfounded claims about other acai companies when mona vie has very little acai content, contains chemicals to keep it shelf stable, and is incredibly overpriced...MLMs make money off their friends!! shame on you

This site's author said...

"unfounded claims"???? I'm sorry, can you be more specific? You see, I visited everyone elses sites and checked out their labels and nutrional statements. For example, Zola's label says "24mg natural caffeine". MonaVie - none! They also show an ORAC chart - presumably measuring the Acai found in their drinks - at being "only" 170 or so. The Acai in MonaVie has been measured at 1026.5 in ORAC. So at 6 times greated in nutritional value, and roughly 20% of the blend coming from Acai - it looks like MonaVie is more valueable even in Acai even though it's intention is NOT to be an Acai-only drink.

Finally - you have an uninformed opinion about MLM's. A snap response based on something you once heard - certainly not based on actually looking at the business model. Warren Buffet owns an MLM, Donald Trump says he'd find a great MLM if he ever went broke and had to do it all over again.

Hmmm... or maybe you're someone who thinks money is the root of all evil???

Do a little research... and maybe you AND YOUR FRIENDS will be making money OFF THE MLM. You can give all your money to charity later on if you like.

new2monavie said...

and roughly 20% of the blend coming from Acai -

I am curious to know where you found that info. I have been trying to find out how much acai is in Monavie because my father-in-law asked me (plus I wanted to know myself) and I didn't have an answer. Thanks!

This site's author said...

MonaVie's official answer seems to be "that's proprietary information". But I've been to big meetings with top execs - including the founder, and "approximately 20%" or "about 15 to 20%" is the answer when you push for one. The other thing to look up is the study on OptiAcai showing that the Acai in MonaVie is about 5 times more potent than other tested Acai. So 20% in MonaVie is as good as 100% in another product - so the other 18 fruits, and the Glucosamine and esterified fatty acids are all "bonus" if you look at it that way.

Unknown said...

Curious why:
Mona Vie is not providing the ORAC units per ml of their blend?

Yes... they DO point out on the ORAC comparison chart on their marketing - the 1026.5 units (TE per gram) test results of their freeze dried OptiAcai - but as other have pointed out - NOT how much is actually in a serving or bottle of Mona Vie.

How - on the one hand can they bragg about the superior ORAC numbers - and yes they are impressive! - yet hide behind the "proprietary blend" argument - which really, when you really think about it makes no sense at all!

The USDA and most other researchers are now recommending daily 3000-5000 ORAC units.
If the OptiAcai provides 1027 per gram - then one would need to consume at least 3 grams per day of Optical - if a typical daily serving of Mona Vie is 4 ounces - 118ml - then each bottle would have to contain around 19 grams of their OptiAcai freeze dried - as each bottle contains approx 6.35 servings. Possible? Yes, but they're not saying. 15-20% of the blend is OptiAcai - well the real question is how much Total ORAC value does 1 serving of Mona Vie provide?

With products like Doctor's Best Acai (which also uses the same freeze dried OptiAcai ) - and which Mona Vie recommends for those wishing to use an Acai only product - at least one CAN calculate how much of the product one needs to take to get the necessary antioxidants (3000-5000units) to maintain optimum health - which after all is what Mona Vie and these other products are promising. At $15 per 120cap bottle x 500mg each cap - one would need to take around 5 caps per day (approx .75¢) to achieve optimal antioxident recomended doseage with Dr's Best product. For many on a fixed budget or for seniors - in essence those who need these products the most - this is a real affordable nutritional supplement. At $40 to $45 retail price per bottle for Mona Vie (at approx 6.35 servings per bottle) this works out to be $6-7 per dose - far above the budgets of those who will need this product. AND if the actual total ORAC value per ML is less than... well I was going to say stated - but it's not - then a single dose of Mona Vie to reach 3000-5000 ORAC units will cost even more than $6-7 per day.

If the additional 18 other fruits in Mona Vie's "proprietary blend" ALSO contribute ORAC units per ML or ounce in addition to the OptiAcai freeze dried ingrediant - as stated on their promotional materials "selected for its...ability to contribute a variety of phytonutrients AND antioxidents" - then it really makes NO sense at all to hide behind the "proprietary blend" defense.

When will Mona Vie state exactly how much ORAC units are in a ML? Trade Secret proprietary blend? If you believe for example - that by stating each serving or ML of Mona Vie contains "6000 Total ORAC value" - how on earth would anyone deduce the proprietary blend for 19 ingrediants from 1 ORAC TE number?

I have been using the Mona Vie - I believe it's a great product - just do not understand why the company is hiding this most critical element of information from the people who are it's supporters and could benefit from it forthright disclosure.

This site's author said...

well thought out post... thank you... i do not know why they would not publish the ORAC... but one guess is that they don't feel the need to have to... now well over 500,000 distributors... with most of us giving it rave reviews... there's no need to reveal anything that some competitor can try to use against us.

they also state that you're missing the point if you're just relying on numbers... quality is more important... and phytonutrients... of which I've heard there are over 25,000 "known" phytonutrients in Monavie... are more important.

meanwhile... competitors can add vitamin C or another processed antioxidant and in test will blow away any published MonaVie score... and unknowledgable people will get duped into thinking the off the charts score from the "spiked" blend is meaningful.

so instead... we just have to rely on how drinking the juice makes us feel...

BTW - Dr. Best does NOT sell OptiAcai... they did sell something with that name on it... but I think it was a trademark infringement... and they no longer have it... so the ONLY way to get OptiAcai is via MonaVie.

the bottom line is that a wide variety of phytonutrients from a wide variety of different colored fruits is what scientists say is the healthiest... and that's what MonaVie's blend of 19 fruits is all about. To look it as an "acai drink" is not accurate... yes, it's the largest ingredient... but 80% of the juice is from other "super fruits" like pomegranate, cranberries, camu camu, wolfberry (aka goji), etc, etc.

what i've found is those who can't get past the lack of so-called numeric proof will never be satisfied... i tell them "try it - only you can prove it to yourself".

as for the cost... the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US is health bills... and it doesn't take much effort to get your monavie paid for