Top 10 Training Tips for your downline & new distributors
To succeed in Network Marketing, you need to help your downline succeed. Few are naturals... so most need training. The purpose of is to provide information... but hand holding training is critical... especially for brand new distributors... so here are the Top 10 "Training Tips" for your overall downline, and for your newest distributors.
1. Meet with all new personally sponsored distributors IMMEDIATELY - the very next day if possible.
If you are sponsoring outside of your area and can't meet in person, I highly recommend signing up to one of the online conference sites. I've tried GoToMeeting (WebEx was too expensive) but I've now settled on as the most affordbale and flexible... they've got a $1 trial for one month. The beauty of this system is that they have built in voice. With the other systems you also need to use the phone. For those who don't have microphones on their PC's, I bought a Logitech set for $15 at - Logitech Premium Stereo Headset with Noise-Canceling Microphone for the direct link. They are a tad uncofortable until you break them in... but you can't beat the price for the quality of the sound.
The other option is - you pay for toll charges, but nothing else.
2. Have your new recruits set goals. See the Top 10 Goals post for perfect ones. People who set goals are more likely to succeed... but even better... if they set their goals with you... they are more likely to commit to achieving them.
3. Meeting immediately should be re-stated... most people sign up at the peak of their interest and excitement. The longer you wait for your first training meeting, the less excitement they feel and the less likely their act.
4. Meetin FREQUENTLY early on. You may want to contact them every day for the first week or two... and try to have once per week meetings (at the least) until they are up and running.
5. A favorite line in Network Marketing is "call your downline when you're up, and call your upline when you're down". In other words, if you are not feeling 100% positive and upbeat, save your training calls and meetings for another time... or... if you really want to be successful... find a way to snap yourself out of your funk... as the phrase goes... call your upline... get someone to pump you up and remind you why you're in this business... and once you feel good... then call your downline.
6. Know your "Why" and get your downline to verbalize their "Why". A "why" is their reason for joining your MLM... it's their purpose. Everyone wants more health and money... but WHY??? I want my health so I can....??? Play with my kids, get over a current illness, travel more, start a sport or play my current one better... WHY???
I want more money... not for the sake of money - right? I want more money... because my bills are crushing me, to travel more, to pay for my kid's college education... WHY???? Know your why, and help your downline verbalize their why.
7. Use their "Why" to motivate them when they are down. If they take the advice of calling their upline - you - when they are down, and you know their "Why", you can use that to re-motivate them. "You know Mary, you had said that being able to send your kids to private school was a huge motivator for you. Can you tell me more about that?" And from there the conversation will almost naturally get Mary re-motivated since she's reminded of WHAT she is working for and WHY.
8. Use or other high-tech, high-touch services to have more frequent meetings. You don't always have to get together at someone's house. 3-Way conference calls are also good ones.
9. Use the Top 10 lists from this site... print one list out, bring it to your next training meeting, or "sizzle session" and read each point and then ask for feedback, testimonials, and in general get a conversation going. It's always interesting to hear how others have applied ideas, or modified them, and what kind of results or feedback they received.
10. Please post your training suggestions in the "Comments" section... or Comment on the Top 9 above.
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