Billionaires and former Presidents drinking MLM juices

Next time someone says "MLM's are pyramid scams" you can tell them that some of the richest, smartest people in the world are drinking products sold by MLM's... of course you're hopefully talking about yourself :) But you'd also be referring to Bill Clinton, and the 86th richest person on the planet, Sumner Redstone, former CEO of Viacom who is worth $8 Billion.

This article centers around Sumner Redstone and how he's turned "just about every friend" onto an Acai based fruit juice, and that list includes Wolfgang Puck, Michael Milken and Bill Clinton. What a list... so I'm drinking it, you're drinking it, they are drinking it... and soon everyone over 50 (or 40 in my case) will be drinking it when it has fans like Sumner Redstone calling it a "miracle drug".

By the way... NEVER, EVERY call any "food" a "drug". That is an illegal statement, it's also a false statement. Also NEVER claim your fruit-juice MLM product will help with any disease. The article says this product's CEO, "touts the juice as a way to 'increase energy in a natural way' and to alleviate 'the everyday aches and pains from inflammation'."

Nutrient-dense fruit juices have a LOT of fans... hopefully your skeptical friends will show renewed interest with such high profile people on board. Scroll down for the Top 10 lists designed to help you learn this business fast.


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