Top 10 Goals to set for a sucessful MLM Business

1. Bring up your MLM (business or juice) in casual conversation with new people. A good goal is at least 1 time a day, every day. But also pick a day where you'll try to do it 10 times that day with 10 different people - this is a great learning experience. Don't "sell". Just bring it up. If someone wants to know more, send them to for MLM/opportunity info, or and your company's corporate web site for juice/health info. Or have them watch the videos provided by your company.

2. Share a certain number of bottles – pick your own goal. 2 per day/week/ or month. Don't forget to follow up every 3 days. While giving away your product as "gifts" costs money, the more you give away, the faster your business will grow. If you can afford to, buy the largest bulk order you can because it brings your per-bottle cost way down. Read this post for more on how to accomplish this & goal #1.

3. Pick a specific date to Sponsored you're first two people - 1 Right and 1 Left in a Binary plan. Some do it in a day, but try to set it for no more than 1 month. If you follow #1 and #2 in this list, you'll get there pretty fast.

4. Set a goal to sponsor 5 as quickly as possible, and focus on those 5 before worrying about sponsoring more. Try to get to 5 in your first month. Some have sponsored 5 in their first few days. Some take a few months. Set your own specific time line goal for your first 5 enrollees.

5. Only “work” with, or "teach" those interested in building a business to sponsor their own first 2 people. Set a goal to get their first 2 people signed up within 1 week to 2 months of their enrollment. In a Binary plan - 2 people - one Left and one Right gets them started. Be sure to get agreement with your enrollee on this goal's date since you're in this together and you both benefit.

6. Set learning goals – like reading 1 hour per night, or memorizing one of these Top 10 lists per week.

7. Plan to attend a certain number of meetings in your first 6 months – even if they’re repetitive. 1 per week is ideal at first. At least 1 per month towards the end of the 6 months.

8. As soon as you have a downline, plan get-togethers, "sizzle sessions" or trainings once per week. Print out one of these Top 10 lists and bring it to your session to discuss it. You'll have 10 excuses for 10 weekly meetings in a row.

9. “20/20 vision” is personally sponsoring 20 on your Left and 20 on your right. This is a great 6 to 12 month goal, and some say virtually guarantees your (huge) success.

10. Plan to attend the National convention, as well as any large regional meetings with top executives or leaders.

The above Goals should have a profound effect on the growth of your business. But don't get ahead of yourself. Just worry about the first few goals, and remember, this is not a race. Some acheive their goals in as little as 6 months, others take a few years. Regardless, it's a much shorter time to financial freedom than virtually any other option... especially since most will never achieve this lofty goal. Start with Goals 1, 2 & 3 and you'll be well on your way.

1 comment:

Alellie Ramos said...

thanks i learn a lot

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